Saturday, December 12, 2015


  Once again, apologizes for the absence, I have been harried with work and other activities... Though I have had some time to draw and write a bit. I am including a few of my before and after pictures below.




  Let me walk you through my thinking process on these pictures. With my limited knowledge of drawings I attempted to make my characters, which I pictured so vividly in my minds eye, and it did not end well. 
  I didn't let that stop me though and, with the rare exception, I have drawn everyday this year.  
  The first picture is of one of my older and favored characters, Reece Reeves. My original intention was to give him a "bad haircut" look... As you can see that did not go well. Both of the original pictures are from the beginning of this year and the other two are from this past week.  
  Now the second picture is one of my other characters and it's actually a gender bend, my original Babylon is male. Babylon is a fabulous fashion designer and she turned out much better than I anticipated (as did Reece, honestly).

 Tell me if you liked these pictures and I may be tempted to share more. If you draw I'd love to see some of your work (with the exception of lewd content, thanks)! 

  I have had time to write as well and if you'd like to, I'm posting my new piece on the blog I share with my friends, Brilliant Morons. I'd love it if you'd click the link below and take a peek!

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

My Window

          I see many things through my window, my view is sublime. I see rolling white clouds in the indigo sky over rich earth-toned mountains, lined with thick green, yellow and red trees.
         The graying and black clouds come too.. Overshadowing the now darkening mountain and blotting out the simple beauty of the sun's golden rays. All is void and muddied in the closely falling raindrops, that splash on and make the mountain's slope weak and crumbly. A landslide occurs shortly after the rain begins, taking hunks of mountain, trees, and animals in its tumultuous descent.   Deaths greedy mouth is open to all.

          The dawn brings new life and the warmth of an apologetic sun. It burns blindingly to compensate for its absence, bathing the earth in glittering dewy light. Every fallen raindrop, whether  in a puddle or solely displayed on a tree's leaf, is shining like a diamond. As an enormous mirror they reflect the sun's wondrous light.
          Though I behold all from my window, I can never go out and run through the meadow to the mountainside's shade in the heat of summer, or dance in the wet relieving thunderstorm of fall, nor splash in the muddy aftermath... For the window I look out is barred. Caging me in this dank prison cell, keeping out the earth.  The persistent return of the sun never rejects me, it covers me in its warmth, however "unworthy to be living" I am. The day draws to a close. the fiery red and orange sun slips lower on the horizon, my pen slips from my weak hand, my tired existence ebbing away..

           Perhaps they will bury me beneath the shaded mountainside... Yes... I hope they will...